
General Conditions of Use of the MySpaceInvaderMap

Article 1: object

These CGU or General Conditions of Use legally govern the use of the services of MySpaceInvaderMap web app accessible at the address (hereinafter referred to as “the web app").

Constituting the contract between the company Code Rhapsodie which owns MySpaceInvaderMap web app and the User, access to the web app must be preceded by acceptance of these GCUs. Access to this platform signifies acceptance of these GCUs.

Article 2: Legal notices

The web app is published by the company Code Rhapsodie, an expertise and consulting company in web development, SARL with capital of €20,000, registered with the RCS of Lyon, SIREN 828 961 078, whose head office social is located at 60 rue Jaboulay, 69007 Lyon, Metropolitan France.

The host of the web app is the company OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, Metropolitan France.

Article 3: Access to the web app

The web app provides free access to the following services: list invader mosaics on a map, synchronize flashinvaders application with MySpaceInvaderMap web app, display a list of flashed and not flashed invader mosaics, add gamification features to play with friends.

The web app is accessible free of charge from anywhere by any user with Internet access. All costs necessary for access to the services (computer equipment, Internet connection, etc.) are the responsibility of the user’s responsibility.

Access to the web app is done using a username and password.

For maintenance or other reasons, access to the web app may be interrupted or suspended by the publisher without notice or justification.

Article 4: Data collection

When creating the User's account, the web app only collects the necessary and mandatory information at the time of registration for the proper functioning of the service. In accordance with law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the collection and processing of personal information is carried out with respect for privacy.

According to the Data Protection Act dated January 6, 1978, articles 39 and 40, the User has the right to right to access, rectify, delete and oppose personal data. The exercise of this right is done from your personal space.

The web app allows you to sync you Flashinvaders app data with the web app, and this datas will be removed at the same time you'll remove your account.

The web app does not use your datas and guarantees the confidentiality of the data of the User, unless the User shares his goals, flashes or other things with his friends or other Users in the web app.

Article 5: Intellectual property

The idea of this web app, the design, the graphics and the gamifaction strategy is the property of Code Rhapsodie. The game FlashInvaders is the property of the artiste Invader.

Article 6: Liability

Although the information published on the web app is deemed reliable, the web app reserves the right to make non-guarantee of the reliability of sources.

The information published in the web app is presented for purely informative purposes and is without contractual value. Despite regular updates, the site cannot be held responsible for case of modification of administrative and legal provisions appearing after publication. It is the same applies to the use and interpretation of the information communicated on the platform.

The web app declines all responsibility concerning possible viruses which may infect the computer equipment of the User after using or accessing this web app.

The web app cannot be held responsible in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party.

The total guarantee of security and confidentiality of data is not ensured by the site. However, the site undertakes to implement all the methods required to do so as best as possible.

Article 7: Hypertext links

The web app may consist of hypertext links. By clicking on these, the User will exit the platform. The latter has no control and cannot be held responsible for the content of the web pages. relating to these links.

Article 8 : Cookies

During visits in the web app, the automatic installation of a cookie on the browser software of the User may arise.

Cookies correspond to small files temporarily placed on the hard drive of the computer. the user. These cookies are necessary to ensure accessibility and navigation on the web app. These files do not contain personal information and cannot be used for identification of somebody.

The information present in cookies is used to improve browsing performance on the web app.

By browsing the web app, the User accepts cookies. Their deactivation can be done via the settings navigation software.

Article 9: Publication by the User

The web app does not allow members to post comments. But what if that were the case in the future.

In his publications, the member is required to respect the rules of Netiquette as well as the rules of law in force.

The member retains all of his intellectual property rights. However, any publication on the site implies the delegation of the non-exclusive and free right to the publishing company to represent, reproduce, modify, adapt, distribute and disseminate the publication anywhere and in any medium for duration of intellectual property. This can be done directly or through an authorized third party. This concerns in particular the right to use the publication on the web and on telephone networks. mobile.

Each time it is used, the publisher undertakes to mention the name of the member near the publication.

The User is held responsible for any content he puts online. The User undertakes not to publish content likely to harm the interests of third parties. All procedures initiated in justice by an injured third party against the site must be borne by the User.

The deletion or modification by the site of the User's content may be carried out at any time, for any reason and without notice.

Article 10: Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

This contract is subject to French legislation. Lack of amicable resolution of disputes between the parties involves recourse to the competent French courts to resolve the dispute.

Article 11: Price

Access to the web app service is currently free.